Stefan Irby

Visualization in Biochemistry Education (VIBE) Division of Chemical Education Purdue Department of Chemistry
Research Interests: Students’ problem solving, visualization, and data-interpretation abilities within biochemistry lab courses. More information (PDF)
About me: I received my B.S. in Biochemistry from Western Washington University in 2014. During my undergraduate work I was a part of a chemistry education research group, and have done a stint in a structural biology research lab. These experiences, as well as years of teaching, have led to my interest in how students learn in laboratory settings.
Professional Affiliations: American Chemical Society (ACS), National Association for Research and Science Teaching (NARST), and Phi Lambda Upsilon - Nu Chapter of the National Honorary Chemical Society.
About my research: My research is focused on investigating a new, research oriented (Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience-like) biochemistry curriculum. The components of this course that I am most interested in is how students handle, interpret, represent and make decisions about their data.
Hometown: Maple Valley, Washington, USA
Degree Objective: Ph.D. in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry